

本节为研究生提供有关要求和程序的指导 课程目录中列出的课程.  

The following subsections outline steps related to your first year of studies; what you must do to maintain satisfactory academic progress; how you will design the program leading to your degree; time limits placed on your studies; and the completion of 最后的要求. Answers to many of your questions can come from a careful review 内容. Please direct all questions related to your academic program to your 学术顾问,与你的研究相关,或与你的研究顾问相关 anything for your graduate experience to the Center for 研究生 Studies (graduate@letitbejesus.com or 835-5513).

First Year in the NMT 研究生 Program

Preliminary, Qualifying and Entrance Examinations

NMT的一些研究生课程要求并管理新生的考试, 主要是作为一个建议工具. The section on Special Examinations by Department provides some information on departmental requirements. You should direct inquiries about specifics for these examinations to your graduate program.

Choosing an Advisor and 咨询委员会

当你第一次被研究生项目录取时,系主任或指定 faculty member will serve as your temporary advisor. 你的临时顾问会提供帮助 you with identifying the members of your formalized 委员会. 如果你是一个距离 student, you may contact the Academic Computing Technology
办公室或研究生研究中心寻求帮助-特别是在收款方面 在表格上签名.

入学后,第二学期结束前,全日制研究生 must select and formalize an advisor and advisory 委员会. 兼职和远程 教育专业的学生必须在修完12学分之前正式成立他们的委员会. 你的指导老师应该是与你的兴趣和专业一致的教员 你的. Generally your advisor serves as both academic and research advisor; however, 在某些情况下,研究顾问和学术顾问可能会有所不同 人. Your academic advisor must be a 常规的 教师 Member (regular means tenure 在你的项目中,由学术顾问担任负责人 你的咨询委员会. Your research advisor is responsible for guiding you to the 完成你的研究项目和监督你的准备工作 research report (thesis, dissertation or independent study paper).

Students in professional masters programs are not required to form a 委员会, e.g., 水文学专业硕士.

除了帮助你做研究,你的顾问还会帮助你选择你的建议 委员会. If you plan to have separate academic and research advisors, consult with both of them to select the rest of 你的咨询委员会. 正式教员 from your department may not be in the minority, and all the
members should have some proficiency in the area of your research interests. 在那里 is no upper limit for the number of members on 你的咨询委员会; however, keep 记住,你的委员会里的人越多,就越难 arrange meeting times for everyone. Your advisory 委员会 should serve as your first set of personal resources when you need assistance. 随便接近他们,任何人 other faculty member, or the Dean of 研究生 Studies, when looking for advice. If 后来你发现有更适合你的委员会的选择,或者如果你的 研究兴趣和方向改变,你可以,在你的部门的同意下, 重组你的委员会. Be aware that changes in 委员会 can slow progress 因为每个新成员都有责任从 the very beginning; this means that changing your 委员会 can reset your research to the very beginning stage of the

研究生院院长和系主任是所有顾问的当然成员 委员会s for graduate students in the department. 这意味着你的部门 主席和院长研究生研究也必须批准你的工作,以便你毕业. 当你的顾问委员会指导你的研究时,最终的批准取决于 department chair and the Dean 研究生 Studies. Make sure your department chair is 随时了解你的进展.


Your master's degree advisory 委员会 must have at least three faculty members: 至少两名必须是你所在院系的正式教员(终身教职),第三名必须是 member who may be from outside your department or an adjunct in your department. 常规的 你所在院系的教员人数不能超过委员会的其他成员. The department chair and 研究生 Dean must
approve your 拟议的咨询委员会.

在你选择了你的导师和委员会之后,完成你的研究生委员会 form in the 365彩票在线过滤 Banweb. After you log into Banweb, select "Student and “经济援助”,然后是“毕业生表格”,然后填写“初始表格-毕业生” 咨询委员会”. Make sure that you select "Thesis" or "Independent Study" for 你的学习选择.

如果您需要,可以在同一页的委员会变更表格上更改委员会 仅仅是更换一个委员会成员或增加或删除一个 单一的成员. Otherwise make the changes in the "Initial Form - 研究生 Advisory 委员会”并重新提交. If you need to make substantial changes to your 委员会, 联系研究生学习中心获得“初始表格-研究生咨询” “委员会”表单重新启用.

为了保证你有工具来完成你的研究,你的咨询委员会 will help you choose the courses to be used for your degree program. 他们也会 approve your thesis topic and serve at your thesis defense. 这是你的责任 to call meetings of your 委员会 至少一年一次.


Ph.D. 咨询委员会

The doctoral advisory 委员会 must have at least four faculty members: at least 来自你所在院系的两名固定教员(终身教职),包括你的学术人员 advisor, a member from outside of your department, and the forth 委员会 member who may be from inside or outside of your department. 常规的 faculty in your department may not be outnumbered on the 委员会 by
其他成员. The department chair and Dean of 研究生 Studies must approve your 拟议的咨询委员会.

在你选择了你的导师和委员会之后,完成你的研究生委员会 form in the 365彩票在线过滤 Banweb. After you log into Banweb, select "Student and “经济援助”,然后是“毕业生表格”,然后是“初始表格-毕业生”的完整表格 咨询委员会”. Make sure that you select "Dissertation" for 你的学习选择. 如果您需要,可以在同一页的委员会变更表格上更改委员会 仅仅是更换一个委员会成员或增加或删除一个 单一的成员. If you need to make substantial changes to your 委员会, contact 研究生研究中心成立“初步形式-研究生咨询委员会” 形式重新启用.

您的咨询委员会将帮助您选择课程,以保证足够的背景 for your proposed research and for the candidacy examination. 他们会管理 候选人资格考试,批准你的论文开题,监督你的研究 and serve at the defense of your dissertation. Although the 委员会 will assist 在指导你的学习时,召集委员会会议是你的责任 至少一年一次. As you approach the completion of your research, it is recommended that you call a meeting 6-9 months before your expected completion where you do a 论文的初步展示,并有明确的完成时间. 这给了你的委员会一个机会来指导对计划的任何修正 时间最小化


正式的课程计划是你提交给顾问委员会的第一件事. This is a study plan for your degree. First, list all the completed courses to be 用于你成绩单上显示的学位(一定要包括学分) 每门课程),然后列出你计划修的所有课程,包括你的论文, independent study, or dissertation credits (Note that Directed 研究 and other S/U courses do not count toward the required number of credits for any program.)你的 如果有课程需要修改,委员会会考虑修改你的名单 be more appropriate for your proposed course of study. 一旦课程计划完成 可以,委员会将通过在你的简历上签名并注明日期来表示同意 列出你的课程计划. Your course program can be altered, with the concurrence of the advisory 委员会, department chair, and Dean of 研究生 Studies. 这种形式, 在你毕业的时候,必须与你的成绩单上列出的课程完全匹配 that are to be used for your degree. The Course Program for full-time students must be on file before the end of the third semester. 兼职和远程教育 学生必须在完成18个学分之前将课程计划存档. 填写此表格的时间已延长,以便学生看到 what courses are being offered, but note that students are strongly encouraged to discuss courses with their 委员会 early and often. Students who take courses without prior approval, risk having them not count toward a degree.


专业硕士课程不需要研究,可以通过课程来完成. 专业硕士课程的例子包括水文学专业硕士 and the Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering; see the catalog for additional master's degrees that do not require research.